Our clients

Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

The CCCB is a public consortium created by the Barcelona Provincial Council and the City of Barcelona. Among other events, they organize and produce exhibitions, debates, festivals and concerts.

Sonicon has made an important commitment in Liferay. This effort has been rewarded in providing our consulting services and portlet development in Liferay for this center, providing solutions to particular requirements and taking care of the migration of their information systems.

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Its objectives are to promote, manage and conduct health-related biomedical research.

One of the first Sonicon clients who requested the creation of an eCRF for an international Clinical Trial. Since then, Sonicon has been involved in several clinical trials with the “Fundació Clínic”, creating other eCRFs based on a tool specially developed by Sonicon. This tool has been refining and updated in order to give a more appropriate solution with a significant cost reduction.

Salvat Logística

Leading company in the transport and logistics sectors.

For more than six years Salvat has trusted Sonicon for the development and maintenance of some of their applications. Our main task is maintaining Salvat’s Warehouse Management System, which they use to perform their logistic operations, a business-critical factor for the company.

Leading multinational company in the food sector

The brand’s fridge machines (refrigerators, ice cream display cases, etc..) are state-wide managed by a custom application developed by Sonicon. It allows the company’s sales department to make daily machine deliveries to end customers (80,000 deliveries per year) and the central office to balance the stock allocation on the basis of variable demand.


The Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal, is the fruit of an innovative alliance between academic, government, and philanthropic institutions to contribute to the efforts undertaken by the international community to address the challenges in global health.

The entity trusts in Sonicon for the maintenance of its intranet and the corporate web, and also for the creation of sites and web applications for business processes developed in Liferay.


Creative studio. They work in art direction, creativity, illustration, animation, 3D, 2D and live action, no limits.

This creative studio gave us the opportunity to enter the world of mobile technology, and today we can conclude that we have deep knowledge for the development of such solutions.

What our clients say

“Since the creation of Sonicon, we have always trusted them due to their human qualities and their clear business understanding. In all the projects we have worked together, Sonicon has desmonstrated a high technical level that has absolutely satisfied our needs. We hope to continue this kind of collaboration many more years.”

IT Manager, Salvat Logística


“From the first day that we contacted Sonicon they have worked with us as if they were another member of our team. Sonicon has finished the projects within the planned timelines giving also a valuable input with their ideas and technological solutions that have made the work easier and that also implied cost reductions. We are very happy with them and hope to continue our bussiness relationship in future projects.”

Marco Pavesi, Data Management Manager, CLIF Centre (European Consortium of Liver Failure)